Course Number : BA (BS) – 451
Credit Hours: 03

Course Contents

    1. The Dynamic Role of Small Business
      1.1. The Growing Importance of Small Business
      1.2. Challenging Opportunities in Small Business
      1.3. Forms of Ownership of Small Business
    2. How To Plan and Organize a Business
      2.1. Becoming the Owner of a Small Business
      2.2. Planning, organizing and Managing a Small Business
      2.3. How to Obtain the Right Financing for your Business
    3. How to Market Goods and Services
      3.1. Developing Marketing Strategies
      3.2. Promoting and distributing
    4. How to Organize and Manage the Business
      4.1. How to Obtain and Manage Human Resource Diversity in small Business
      4.2. How to Maintain Relationship with Your Employees and Their Representatives
    5. How to Operate the Business
      5.1. Obtaining and Laying Out Operating Facilities
      5.2. Purchasing, Inventory, and Quality Control
    6. Basic Financial, Planning and Control
      6.1. Profit Planning
      6.2. Budgeting and Controlling Operations and Taxes
      6.3. Using Computer Technology in Small Business
    7. Providing Security for the Business
      7.1. Risk Management, Insurance, and Crime Prevention
      7.2. Maintaining Good Government Relations and Business Ethics
      7.3. Planning for the Future of Family–Owned Businesses

Recommended Books

  1. Leon C., Megginson E. & Byrd M. J. (2004). Small Business Management. Mc Graw–Hill.
  2. Murphy M. (1999). Small Business Management. Pitman.
  3. Stokes D. & Wilson N. (2006). Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship. Thomson.
  4. Small is Beautiful: Study of Economics as if People Mattered, (2000), Hartley and Marks Publishers.
  5. Beverly Schwartz,Rippling: How Social Entrepreneurs Spread Innovation Throughout the World, (2012), Wiley