Course Number : BA (BS) – 551
Credit Hours: 03


The course provides basic understanding of business communication applicable to various situations at different levels of organizations. Emphasis is placed on teaching and handling organizational problems by establishing and understanding formal and informal communication network. The course aims to prepare the students for different functional areas as well as to equip them with a broad perspective for reintegrating the practical requirement at work.

Course Contents

    1. Communication at Work
      1.1. Communication Successfully in an Organization
      1.2. Significance Form
      1.3. Functions Process
      1.4. Communication Network and Barriers
    2. The Writing Process, Planning and Developing Business Messages
      2.1. Understanding Principles of Business Communication
      2.2. Worksheet on Business Messages
    3. Business Reports-Classification
      3.1. Planning, Organizing, Formal Reports
      3.2. Planning, Organizing, In Formal Reports
      3.3. Mechanics of Documentation
      3.4. Writing Reports and Proposals
    4. Format and Layout of Business Documents/Memo
    5. Writing Routine and Goodwill Messages
      5.1. Writing Direct Request, Orders, and Acknowledgements
      5.2. Writing Routine Claims, Credits and Adjustments
      5.3. Exercises Follow Through
    6. Writing Bad News Messages Strategies
      6.1. Organizing Inductive Messages
      6.2. Delivering Bad News Messages / Claims and Collection Messages
    7. Writing Persuasive Messages Strategies
      7.1. Planning and Developing Persuasive Request and Collection Messages
      7.2. Exercises Follow Through
    8. Writing Resumes Planning and Structuring
      8.1.Exercises Follow Through
    9. Writing Application Letters
      9.1. Exercises Follow Through

Recommended Books

  1. Guffey Marry Ellen, Business Communication: Process and Product, (6th Edition), South Western College Publishing, 2006.
  2. Locker Kitty O., Business and Administrative Communication, McGraw Hill Publication,2003.