Course Number : BA (BS) – 352
Credit Hours: 03

Course Contents

    1. Communication
      1.1. Definition
      1.2. Scope
      1.3. Process of communication

      1.4. Functions of communications
      1.5. Conditions for successful communication
      1.6. Settings of communication
        1.6.1.Personal Communication: Intrapersonal, Extra personal, Intra Personal: Dyad and Small Group communication.
        1.6.2.Non Personal Communication:Public Communications and Mass Communications,Machine Assisted Interpersonal Communication
      1.7. Kinds of communications
          1.7.1. Verbal and Non Verbal Communication
    2. Mass Communications
      2.1. Definition

      2.2. Process of Mass Communications
      2.3. Difference between Interpersonal, Mass Communication and Machine Assisted Interpersonal Communication
    3. Medium and Media

      3.1. Kinds of Media
      3.2. Print and Electronic Media
      3.3. Characteristics and Difference between Electronic and Print media
    4. Historical Background of Print Media in World and in Indo Pak
    5. Adjunct of Mass Communication

      5.1. Public relations
             5.1.1. Concept
             5.1.2. Importance
             5.1.3. Publics
      5.2. Advertising: An Introduction
    6. News Agencies

      6.1. Its Working
      6.2. Historical Background
      6.3. Some Important National and International News Agencies

Recommended Books

  1. Introduction to Mass Communications: Media Literacy & Culture. Stanley J. Baran.
  2. The Dynamics of Mass Communications: Media in the Digital Age, Joseph R. Dominick.
  3. The Media of Mass Communication, John Vivan.
  4. Introduction to Mass Communications, Warren K Agee, Philip H Ault, Edwin Emerey.
  5. Understanding Mass Communications, Melvin l. Defleur, Everett E Dennis.
  6. Modern Mass Media: John C Merrill.