Course Title : PUBLIC POLICY
Course Number : BA (BS) – 422
Credit Hours: 03


This course design to view the policy making process as a policy cycle a sequence and financial activities, beginning with problem identification and agenda formation, and concluding with evaluation, termination, modification, or continuation of policy. The course intended to explore the policy approach as we perceive and practice it.

Course Contents

    1. Basic Concepts
      1.1. What constitute Public Policy?
      1.2. Nature
      1.3. Why study
      1.4. Public policy in political science
      1.5. Categories of public policies
      1.6. Approaches to study public policy
      1.7. Sources of public policy
      1.8. Methodological difficulties in study public policy
      1.9. Policy cycle
    2. Policy Makers and their Environment
      2.1. Participants in public policy making
      2.2. Who has power in policy making?
      2.3. Levels of politics
    3. Policy Development
      3.1. Pre policy
      3.2. Planning process
      3.3. Obstacle in planning
      3.4. Context of public policy
    4. Policy adoption
      4.1. Decision making: theories and process
      4.2. Budgeting and finance
    5. Policy implementation
      5.1. Who implement
      5.2. Output
      5.3. Impact
      5.4. Evaluation of implementation
      5.5. Managerial perspective on implementation
      5.6. Political perspective on implementation
      5.7. Legal perspective on implementation
    6. Policy evaluation
      6.1. Process
      6.2. Aspects
      6.3. Objectives
      6.4. Models of evaluation

Recommended Books

  1. Garry. D. Brewer and Peter DeLeon (2002), The Foundation of Policy Analysis.
  2. Good year: Santa Monoca.
  3. Anderson, J. E. (2004), Public Policy making, Prentice hall: Englewood cliffs.
  4. Dye, T. R. (1999), Understanding About Public Policy, Prentice hall: Englewood Cliffs.
  5. Sheikh, M. H. (1994), Introduction to Public Policy: with reference to Pakistan Rehbar Publishers: Karachi.