BBA – 1V (Hons.)
Course Number :BA (H) – 442
Credit Hours : 03


This course draws upon research and insight from the disciplines by social sciences to study the behavior of people in an organizational setup. It also studies organizations as a social system to understand their structures and the ways people behave in them. It trains the student to be effective managers and to appreciate the uniqueness of a person as well as situation. Some of the important topics are: challenges facing management, motivation performance through job design and goal setting, groups and organizational characteristics.

Course Contents

  1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior
  2. 1.1Foundation of Organizational Behavior

    1.6.1 Hawthorne Studies
    1.6.2 Research Methodology
    1.6.3 Technical Framework of Organizational Behavior

  3. Organization Structure and Design

    2.1 Organization Culture
    2.2 Organization Changes
    2.3 Organization Conflict Management
    2.4 Power and Policies
    2.5 Groups and Team

  4. Perception and Attribution
  5. 3.1 Nature and Importance of Perception

    • Perceptual Selectivity and Organization
    • Social Perception 3.2 Attribution
    • Attribution Theory
    • Locus of Control
    • Attribution Errors

3.3 Impression Management

  1. Personality and Attitudes

    4.1 Meaning of Personality

    • Self Esteem
    • Person Situation Interaction
    • Big Five Personality Traits
    • Briggs Type Indicator
    • Nature and Dimension of Attitudes
    • Components of Attitude. Functions of Attitudes
    • Changing Attitudes.
    • Job Satisfaction
    • Influences on Job Satisfaction
    • Outcomes of Job Satisfaction
    • Organizational Commitment
    • Meaning and Outcomes of Organizational Outcome
    • Guidelines to Enhance Organizational Commitment
  2. Motivational Needs and Processes
  3. 5.1 Meaning of Motivation

    • Primary Motives
    • General Motives
    • Secondary Motives 5.2 Work Motivation Approaches
    • The Content Theories
    • Process Theories
    • Contemporary Theories of Work Motivat
  4. Positive Psychology Approach to Organizational Behavior

    6.1 Optimism

    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Self–Efficiency
  5. Behavioral Performance Management
  6. 7.1 Role of Organizational Reward System
    7.2 Organizational Behavior Modification

  7. Meaning and Leading for High Performance

    • Job Design
    • xQuality Work Life
    • Socio-Technical Design and High Performance
    • Work Practices
    • Goal Setting

Recommended Books

  1. Luthans. F., Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill N.Y., (9th Edition), 2002.
  2. Kreitner R. and Kinicki. A., Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall New York, (5th Edition), 2001.
  3. Robbins, Stephen P., Organizational Behavior, New Jersey : Prentice Hall Inc., (Latest Edition), 2001.