Managerial Information System
DBA – 542
Week | Proposed Potential Topics of Study |
1 | Introduction to Systems, Resources of Systems, Subsystems, information, Information Sciences, Information System. |
2 | Information and Quality Assurance, Information Technology Concepts, Computerization and Various Models. |
3 | Information Systems Models and their Role in an Organization, Systems Analysis and Design, Systems Development Life Cycle. |
4 | Various Types of Computer Processing, Databases and DBMS, Data Communication and Networks, Problem-Solving Methodologies. |
5 | Computer-based Information System (CBIS), Various Types of CBIS, Introduction to Management Information System. |
6 | Introduction to Accounting Information System, Financial Information System, Human Resource Information System and other IS’s. |
7 | Detailed Study of MIS, Objectives, Requirement tasks and Functionality of Various Components of MIS. |
8 | MIS and Executive Information System, Using EIS in an Organization as a Problem-Solving System. |
9 | MIS and Decision Support System, Various Related Methodologies and their Implementation, MIS and other Information Systems. |
10 | Management of Information Resources, Business Processes and Organizations Requirement, and their Solution Using MIS. |
Recommended Text Books:
- Essential of Management Information Systems, By: K.C. Laudon, Pub: Prentice Hall.
- Management Information System: By: J.O Brian, Pub: McGraw Hill.
Recommended Reference Books:
- Computer-based Information System- A Management Approach, By: D W. Kroeber. Pub: MacMillan Publisher.
- Any text book available in the University (or departmental) library preferably or available in the local market for the topics mentioned above.
- At the time of discussion of a topic, relevant books/materials may be referred from time to time.
- Lucy Terry, “Management Information System”, London Letts Educational, 1997 (8th Edition).
- Laudon Kenneth, “Management Information System”, New York, Memillan, 1991 (2nd Edition)
- Davis Gprdon, Marhrathe H. Dlson, “Management Information System”, New York, McGraw Hill Inc. 1985 (2nd Edition).
- Murdic Ross Claggett, “Information Systems for Modern Management”, Prentice-Hall 3rd Edition 1999.
Course Conduct Policy:
- All University rules and regulation will be followed during the conduct of the course, in addition to the policies announced for the course from time to time.