BBA – V (Hons.)
Course Number :BA (H) – 521
Credit Hours : 03

Course Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. 1.1 Lithosphere
    1.2 Biosphere
    1.3 Atmosphere
    1.4 Hydrosphere

  3. Principles of Resource Management
  4. 2.1 Kind of Resources
    2.2 Pattern of Global Resources Depletion
    2.3 Resource Economics
    2.4 Sustainable Development

  5. Biological Resources
  6. 3.1 Biodiversity
    3.1.1 Biodiversity Loses
    3.1.2 Biodiversity Action Plan
    3.2  Community and Ecosystem Degradation
    3.3 Species Preservation
    3.4 Species Conservation
    3.5 Wetlands
    3.6 Biomes

  7. Social and Legal Aspects of the Current Environmental Crises
  8. 4.1 Environmental Ethics and Environment and Development Linkage
    4.2 Global Environment Conflicts

  9. Environmental Pollution Management
  10. 5.1 Aquatic Environment
    5.2 Terrestrial Environment
    5.3 Marine Environment
    5.4 Atmosphere

Recommended Books

  1. McPherson, G. R.; Destefano, Stephen, Applied Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Cambridge University Press, 2002, U.K.
  2. Allaby, M., Basics of Environmental Science, Routledge, 2000, U.K.
  3. Bertie J., Conserving Living Natural Resources, Cambridge University Press, 2002, U.K.
  4. Barrow C. J., Environmental Management Principles & Practice, Routledge, 1999, U.K.
  5. Tom Tietenberg, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, (6th Edition), 2003, Boston San Francisco, New York.
  6. Roma M., Environmental Management and Awareness Issues, Sterling Pulishers Pvt. Ltd., 2000, New Dehli.
  7. Ibrahim A. M., Soil Pollution, Springer, 2004, U.K.