BBA – 1V (Hons.)
Course Number :BA (H) – 452
Credit Hours : 03


The course to acquaints the students with Business and Labour Laws. This will enable them to learn the concepts and provisions of laws which are related to business operations and management. Decision making in business must look into the legal aspects affecting the relationship outside and inside organization. The understanding of basic provisions of law will create confidence in managers while dealing with issues in management.

Course Contents

Introduction to Business Laws

  1. Law of Contract (1872)
  2. 1.1 Definition, Essential of a Valid Contract
    1.2 Essentials of Valid Contract, Performance of Contract, Discharge of
    Contract, Breach of Contract
    1.3 Damages for Breach of Contract, Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee,
    Bailment, Pledge and Agency

  3. Sales of Goods Act (1930)
  4. 2.1 Distinction Between Sale and Agreement to Sell
    2.2 Conditions and Warranties, Implied and Express Terms
    2.3 Performance of the Contract
    2.4 Rights of the Unpaid Seller Against the Goods
    2.5 Sale by Auction
    2.6 Breach of Contract

  5. Law of Governing Partnership (Act of 1934)
  6. 3.1 Definitions, Types of Partnerships
    3.2 Essential Elements of Partnership
    3.3 Registration of Partnership
    3.4 Partnership Becoming Illegal
    3.5 Partnership Distinguished from : Company, Private Company and Coownership
    3.6 Partnership Agreement
    3.7 Rights and Liabilities of Members of Partnership Firm
    3.8 Personal Profit Earned by the Partner
    3.9 The Property of the Firm
    3.10 Implied Authority of Partners
    3.11 Principles of Holding Out
    3.12 Minor as a Partner
    3.13 Reconstitution of a Firm
    3.14 Dissolution of a Partnership
    3.15 Rights and Obligations of Partners After Dissolution of Partnership

  7. Law of Negotiable Instruments (Act of 1881)
  8. 4.1 Definition, Characteristics of a Negotiable Instrument
    4.2 Notes, Bills and Cheques, Parties to instrument
    4.3 Negotiation, Endorsement Liabilities of Parties
    4.4 Payment, Discharge from Liabilities
    4.5 Dishonour of Instrument
    4.6 Noting and Protesting on Dishonor, Renewal and Retirement of Bill of
    4.7 Compensation and Presumptions
    4.8 Factories Act (1934), Industrial Relations Ordinances (2002), Payment of
    Wages Act (1936) and Workmen’s Compensation Act (1923)


  9. Factories Act (1934)
  10. 5.1 Provisions Regarding Health and Safety Working Hours Including Rest
    Intervals Working Holidays and Overtime
    5.2 Employment of Women and Children

  11. Workmen’s Compensation Act (1923)
  12. 6.1 Provisions Regarding Definitions Employers Liability for Compensation
    6.2 Amount of Compensation
    6.3 Methods of Calculating Wages
    6.4 Review
    6.5 Communication and Distribution of Compensation Report of Fatal
    Accidents and Medical Examination

  13. Payment of Wages Act (1936)
  14. 7.1 Provisions Regarding Definitions Responsibility for Payment of Wages
    7.2 Wage Period and Term of Payment
    7.3 Deduction and Fines
    7.4 Claims for Unpaid Wages

  15. Industrial Relations Ordinance (2002)
  16. 8.1 Provisions Regarding Registration of Trade Unions
    8.2 Unfair Labour Practices
    8.3 Collective Bargaining Agents
    8.4 Shop Steward and Management Board
    8.5 Work Council
    8.6 Conciliation Process
    8.7 Strikes and Lockout

Recommended Books

  1. Saeed Khawaja Amjad, Mercantile and Industrial Law in Pakistan, Lahore Institute of Business Management, Khawaja Publisher, 1999.
  2. Hashmi I. R., Mercantile Law, Union Book Stall, Karachi, 1968.
  3. Cheema, Muhammad Khalid, Business Law, Syed Mubeen Mahmood & Co, 2005.