BBA – I (Hons.)
Course Number : BA (H) – 301
Credit Hours: 03


  • The text is concerned with English usage that would prove acceptable in every way to the most critical reader or listener.
  • Focus is made specifically on grammar, word usage, conciseness, clarity, punctuation, spelling, and dictionary study.
  • Case study will be given in each chapter that will provide actual editing practice on a real business memo or letter.
  • Collaborative learning exercises will be given to students that will provide an opportunity to work together in groups, hence provide learning and editing correctly.

Course Contents

  1. Orientation – Understanding Grammar

    1.1 A Preview of the Parts of Speech
    1.2 Worksheet Exercis

  2. Grammatical Sentences

    2.1 Understanding Sentence Grammar
    2.2 Understanding Basic Sentences
    2.3 Classifying Sentences

  3. Nouns and Pronouns

    3.1 Compound Subjects and Complements
    3.2 Compound Subjects
    3.3 Use of Appositives
    3.4 Use of Gerund

  4. Verbs
  5. 4.1 Verb Forms
    4.2 Tense
    4.3 Moods
    4.4 Voice
    4.5 Other Complication

  6. Agreement
  7. 5.1 Agreement between Subject and Verb
    5.2 Agreement between Pronouns and Antecedent

  8. Adjectives and Adverbs
  9. 6.1Adjectives to Modify Nouns and Pronouns
    6.2 Adjectives to Link Verbs to Modify Subjects
    6.3 Short Forms of Adverbs
    6.4 Comparative and Superlative Forms

  10. Clear Sentences
  11. 7.1Sentence Fragments

  12. Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
  13. 8.1 Pronoun Reference
    8.2 Shifts / Person / Number / Tense / Mood / Voice
    8.3 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

  14. Effective Sentences
  15. 9.1 Using Coordination and Subordination
    9.2 U sing Parallelism
    9.3 Emphasizing Main Ideas
    9.4 Achieving Variety

  16. Punctuation Pointers
  17. 10.1 End Punctuation 10.2 The Comma
    10.3 The Semicolon 10.4 The Apostrophe 10.5 Quotation Marks 10.6 Other Punctuation Marks

  18. Mechanics

    11.1 Capitals
    11.2 Abbreviations 11.3 Numbers
    11.4 Word Division

  19. Recommended Books

  • Barry Robert E., Business English for the 21 Century, Prentice Hall Inc. 1997.
  • Fowler Ramsey H., Jane Aaron E., The Little Brown Handbook, Longmans Publication, 2003.
  • Guffey, Mary Ellen, Business English, South Western College Publication, (3rd Edition).